Friday, December 12, 2008

"Daddy I Want to be Free"

In this picture is an african american man pushing his baby daughter around in a stroller. This picture was taken during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This picture takes on a pathos appeal. The father made a sign saying "DADDY I WANT TO BE FREE" and put it on his daughter's stroller. The white cops are just looking at him as they drive by. This picture is showing that this man probably has to walk in the heat to where ever he goes just to show that he will not give up until there is change. The father is trying to touch the feeling and emotions of the people. Maybe they would have sympathy for him and his daughter. The persuasive appeal of pathos is an appeal to an audience's emotions. This method is used to try to sway the peoples minds. That is exactly what this man is trying to do. 

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